Tina McDonald, Melissa Leigh, Robert Iles & Narinder Jaspal.
What: University of Stirling Highland campus Nurses graduation ball
Where: The Drumossie Hotel, Inverness
Who: Seventy nurses attended the ball, which followed from the official graduation ceremony at the end of October in Inverness Cathedral. Plus-ones and six teaching fellows from the university also attended the event, which included a special appearance by councillor Drew Hendry.
Why: The ball was held to celebrate the graduation of highland nurses. Entertainment on the night was provided by Torridon, and addresses were delivered to the gathered crowd by teaching fellow Peter White, Cllr Hendry and organiser Narinder Jaspal before the guests sat down for dinner. The ball also raised £250 for Highland Hospice.
Talk of the North – University of Stirling Highland campus Nurses graduation ball