Educators sit at the forefront of shaping the next generation into compassionate individuals, accepting of all people from all backgrounds.
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At ISA, they believe the importance of celebrating diversity and inclusion in an ever-changing society is essential and should be celebrated and hailed as key components for future success.
We all live in a complex global world that is grappling with varying opinions on how we view and embrace the many changes we see in the world.
At ISA, they take pride in celebrating diversity, believing that each person is unique, valuable and worthy of respect.
With a student population of around 500, ISA promotes a sense of belonging for every child with wellbeing sitting at the very heart of their approach to teaching and learning. They know healthy communities and positive learning environments are always built on the quality of human relationships.
ISA is Scotland’s first international school educating children from age three to 18, with a commitment to providing exceptional care for every child. Their unique strength is providing something different when it comes to independent education and students are empowered to take control over their own learning in a caring, encouraging and supportive environment.
The school’s mission statement encapsulates their vision for a ‘safe and caring learning environment’, not just physical safety, but increasingly during this time of uncertainty, emotional security too.
At ISA, there is an integral drive to ensure every child feels valued and respected. Knowing there is always someone at ISA who cares and is willing to listen is the kind of feedback they get from students and parents alike, which adds up to our distinctive culture of wellbeing.
An international education also gives students a far broader perspective. ISA recognises that it is increasingly important for young people to understand and learn about the many different cultures that make the world go round in business and in all aspects of life.
The students become multi-cultural, self-aware and open-minded – all crucial skills and aptitudes for the future.
ISA ensures every graduate leaves the school confident living life and are as prepared as possible to thrive in a modern world, equipped with not only academic success, but with the transformative power empathy, compassion and respect for all holds.
Find out more at the ISA website.