Jeff Winter, Ray Parlour and Dougie Thomson at the Deveronvale FC
Sportsman's Dinner
What: Deveronvale FC Sportsman’s Dinner.
Where: The Marriott Hotel, Dyce, Aberdeen.
Who: Around 260 people attended from various companies and local clubs. They were entertained by guest speakers Ray Parlour, the former Arsenal footballer, and ex-referee Jeff Winter, along with compère Dave Galloway, of Northsound 1.
Why: The night was held to raise funds for Highland League football club Deveronvale FC. Guests were able to bid in a two-part auction for items such as a signed Lionel Messi football boot and golfing at Gleneagles. There was a raffle with prizes donated from local companies, as well as an F1 simulator which was raising funds for the Archie Foundation.