So, Robbie’s awa. Robert Horne Shepherd MBE deit peacefu wi his faimly aroon him on 1st Aagust. Kent tae een an aa jist as “Robbie”, he wis the vice, nae only o his native Aiberdeenshire, bit the hale o Scotlan.
He wis prood o the fac he wis a Dunect loon fae hummle beginnins, bit fae there he reese tae become the doyen o sae mony facets o oor leid an culture.
For thirty five year, Robbie presentit the BBC’s Scottish Country Dance programme, “Take the Floor”, shewin his encyclopedic knowledge nae only o the players an bands involved, bit the tunes they were playin anaa.
His mony listeners nivver thocht o the programme bi it’s name it wis aye jist, “A’m gyan awa tae listen tae Robbie Shepherd”.
His TV wark included commentatin on sheepdog trials and presentin at the Beechgrove Gairden, his distinctive vice instantly recognisable.
‘He kent aabody’
His wikkly column for iss paper wis een o the fyowe regular features appearin in Doric an hid an avid fan base fa wid news the followin wikk aboot “fit Robbie wis sayin”.
Bit it wisna jist the leid Robbie wis sae keen tae promote, it wis the hale culture o wir north-east neuk.
He published several beuks, includin een on foo tae dee weel kent Scottish dances the richt wye. Read Robbie’s instructions an ye’ll nivver get a strip the willa wrang again.
He wis a regular at events aa roon the cuntra, an at mony o the Heilan Games, appearin as the efterneen’s commentator, takkin the multitude o spectators throwe the intricacies o caber tossin, tug-o-war an heilan dancin.
The highlicht for him wis his annual trek tae Braemar tae commentate on the Braemar Gaitherin in the presence o sae mony members o the Royal Faimly. He kent aabody, the competitors, sponsors, organisers an of coorse aa the Royals. An in his ain couthie wye he wid mak nae difference amo ony o them fan he wis in their company.
‘A gey sair miss tae aa’
I first met Robbie fan he wis invitit tae be quizmaister at Peterheid Scottish Wikk’s annual quiz, far he at eence put aa the participatin teams at ease wi his doon tae earth approach tae the job, tellin stories far he himsel wis the butt o the joke an takkin yet anither task in his stride, jist like aathin else he did.
He wis a great supporter o wir Bothy Ballads, attendin festivals an ballad competitions across the cuntra, fyles as MC, fyles as judge, an of coorse, mair aften than nae, singin a ballad himsel if there wis time tae shiv in – an nae mean performer at att.
The list o his achievements is einless an he will be a gey sair miss tae aa.
Wir thochts are wi his wife Esma an sin Gordon in their loss.
Gordon M Hay
Gordon M Hay is a retired solicitor an is kent as a Doric writer an translator. He recently finished the translation of the whole Bible into Doric and, as he said: “wis a gweed frien o Robbie’s.”