No matter what industry we work in, we all want to know our jobs offer security, satisfaction and career progression. However, working within the care sector it can sometimes feel like these factors are overlooked.
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That is something Meallmore, that currently operate 27 care homes throughout Scotland, are striving to change with a refreshing approach to colleagues and training. Meallmore’s commitment to developing individuals and their skills has even earned the company national recognition at the Scottish Care, Care Home Awards.
Currently recruiting for a number of roles including carer jobs in the Highland region, including Alness, Inverness, Daviot and Nairn, we wanted to find out more about the work environment and career progression Meallmore can offer.
Established in 1987 by brothers Gerry and Aidan Hennessey, Meallmore has retained its original family values over the last 36 years, with team welfare, training and progression at the forefront of their business.
Training and career progression
Testament to the support and training available, Andrew Rodden has developed his career with Meallmore. In just five years has progressed from a care support worker to deputy manager of the company’s Daviot home.
We spoke to Andrew to find out more about his journey. Andrew told us: “I started with the company in February 2018. Meallmore had just taken over one of the homes and was renovating it. I came in just to generally help doing the likes of kitchen work and housekeeping.
“Before starting with Meallmore, I was an assistant manager for a care at home firm. However, it was an office-based job, not care-based. Coming to Meallmore was a complete change. I did my SVQ 2,3 and 4 and a PDA, and I was able to build on that with Meallmore’s training when I started work here.
“I became a senior carer, and through Meallmore’s upskills training program I learned clinical skills including venipuncture, diabetes etc – everything needed for a senior position.
“The training program ran over a year and I completed it in 2019. I worked as a senior care worker at the Culduthel home. Then a team lead position become available at Daviot, which was the very first Meallmore home ever opened.
“I applied for the role and was successful. Having already done the Upskills Programme I had many of the skills to become a team leader and run the unit. That definitely helped me secure the promotion.”
Rewarding carer jobs in the Highlands
The support and training Andrew received didn’t stop there. Andrew explains: “I also qualified as a moving and positioning trainer. That means I’m able to train staff in moving and handling throughout the home.
“I also became part of the Meallmore mentorship programme, which means I then became a mentor for new staff. In 2019 I won Mentor of the Year at the Meallmore awards.”
He then successfully applied for the deputy manager position around a year ago. In October he won the Brand Ambassador Award and received a special achievement award too.
Andrew puts his success down to two things; putting in hard work and the support and training he received from Meallmore. He says: “I wouldn’t be where I am in my career without the training and support of Meallmore.
“It just goes to show that if you put the time and effort in, with the support you get from Meallmore you can achieve anything. All the tools and support are there for you.”
If you work in the care sector, or are seeking a career change, then working at Meallmore might just be the perfect next step. Andrew finished by telling us: “I’m proud to work for Meallmore, I can’t say more than that.”