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Taste Test: Did we beat ‘Aberdeen’s spiciest burger’ challenge at The Tilted Wig?

We left with ears popping, eyes watering, hiccupping and coughing our way back to the office after this spicy burger.

We tried "Aberdeen's spiciest burger" at The Tilted Wig in Aberdeen. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson
We tried "Aberdeen's spiciest burger" at The Tilted Wig in Aberdeen. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson

I’ve never had to chug water during a review before. But then again, I’d never tried “Aberdeen’s spiciest burger” before I visited The Tilted Wig.

The new burger challenge utilises Aberdeen’s own Singularity Sauce Co’s “hottest sauce”.

The sauce comes with the warning “try not to pull your own face off”.

It contains Moruga Scorpion chillies, one of the world’s hottest chillies. The chilli has been measured at over 1.2 million Scoville Units according to UK Chilli Seeds.

I was, admittedly, worried.

Just how spicy would this burger be?

‘Aberdeen’s spiciest burger’ at The Tilted Wig

The burger challenge at this independent Aberdeen pub is one for fans of heat.

If you finish the entire plate in 15 minutes then you will earn a spot on the “wall of flame” at The Tilted Wig.

You’ll also get your burger for free.

“Aberdeen’s spiciest burger” at The Tilted Wig in Aberdeen. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson

We were not hopeful we could finish this burger in that time, so much so that we decided to share one between us.

And I’m very grateful that we did.

The burger costs £15.95, and comes with a heaped portion of spicy fries and coleslaw (which is spicy too).

I’m bracing myself to try the burger. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson

There’s a 60z patty inside the bun, which is topped with homemade chilli and jalapeños and the hottest sauce from Singularity Sauce Co.

It’s a sizeable portion to get through even without considering the heat, let alone in 15 minutes.

We’re both nervous, putting off trying “Aberdeen’s spiciest burger” as long as possible.

Bracing ourselves, Andy and I tuck in.

We brave the first bite together. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson

‘I can’t stop hiccupping’

The first bite hits like needles piercing my tongue. Ouch.

We both immediately reach for the water, gulping down our pint in the hope that it will ease the burning sensation in our taste buds.

I immediately reached for my water. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson

The meat is juicy and packed with flavour, and there is plenty of chilli too.

The sauce gives the chilli and patty an unnerving black tinge, a reminder of the heat lurking there.

And that heat is borderline painful.

Andy questioning his life choices after a few bites. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson

We chug some more water.

It’s about this point that Andy starts hiccupping uncontrollably – apparently a usual reaction for him when he tries very spicy food.

Meanwhile, I’m tearing up, and my lips feeling as though they are being slowly chargrilled.

The fries pack a punch too, though they are easier to handle. They’re perfectly crispy and moreish.

I try the coleslaw too, which is creamy and crunchy but definitely has a kick to it as well.

The creamy coleslaw. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson

A few more bites of the burger and I’m kaput. The make-up will be running down my face if I eat more.

Andy powers through and manages more than a quarter of the burger. In his words, two fifths.

I’m impressed, but I don’t envy his hiccups.

Did we finish our spicy burger at The Tilted Wig?

Sadly, we didn’t make it onto the “wall of flame”.

We didn’t even manage half of “Aberdeen’s spiciest burger” between us, mostly due to my inability to handle the heat.

We didn’t make it onto the “wall of flame” this time. Image: Scott Baxter / DC Thomson

We were well and truly beaten by this challenge. Could you finish the whole plate?

Make sure to book if you’re heading along to give it a try.

Read our recent Taste Tests here.
