It’s been another difficult year dealing with all the uncertainties of coronavirus and the upheaval it’s still causing in our lives.
So it’s no surprise that many of us may be feeling quite lost and unsure of ourselves.
But with a new year about to start you can focus on what you want more of in your life to make sure it’s full of joy and fun.
Aberdeenshire life coach Gillian Cockburn has shared some advice on how we can find ourselves again and set ourselves up for success over the coming year…
In the last few days of 2021, before you throw yourself into making a New Year’s resolution list as long as a Covid passport application form – leave behind the mindset of what you are going to “give up” in 2022.
Instead, I invite you to focus on what you want more of in your life – right now, for next year and beyond.
As a life coach, when I begin working with clients I always start with a plan.
Here’s how you can set yourself up for success.
Tune into your intuition
Ask yourself, what do you need more of in your life? Tune into your intuition.
Listening, accepting, and following the whispers from your heart will help you connect with what’s most important to you and what’s in alignment with your personal values.
Could it be that you want more peace, or is it better health, excitement, or even a purpose or a sense of accomplishment?
Often these answers are a signpost to a deeper need in a woman’s life.
Why do you want it?
Ask yourself why you want it.
How would you show up in the world if you already had all that you want more of?
You could write a list of three areas of your life that would improve if you had better physical health. That’s your why. Write it down and keep it visible.
Be specific, not fluffy about how your life will improve once you create the change and have what you want more of.
Specific = Success.
Fluffy = Failure.
Reach out for support
Watch out for things that might trip you up.
Look back on what happened in the past that got in your way and plan ahead this time.
Remember, if something happened in the past keeping you from moving forward in your life, it might not be your fault – but your life, today, IS your responsibility.
Reach out for help and support with long-standing, deeper issues.
You can live a life full of fun
Believe in yourself.
Be honest, how many excuses have you already come up with for not having more of what you want?
Many women don’t, and sadly some never do, believe they deserve to live a life of abundance. By abundance, I don’t mean only financial abundance.
More a life of fulfilment, joy, fun and possibility.
Be aware of your inner critic
If you’re telling yourself you are not deserving/worthy of more, that voice is your inner critic.
Become aware of when it’s managing your brain. Every human brain needs supervision, and your inner critic is the worst candidate for the job.
We all have one. We just have to be careful how much free reign we give it.
Give that negative voice too much space to play, the further down the drain your self-esteem will go.
The great news is, you get to choose what you decide to believe.
Have fun connecting to your true self, that voice of knowing that always has your best interest at heart and visualise your future self, in a time when you have already succeeded in creating more of what you want.
Believe in yourself to reach that future.
I certainly do.