Did you grow up in the 1990s? Then you’ll definitely remember at least one of these.
Pogs in the playground, trolls with brightly coloured hair, TV action with the Power Rangers, keeping your virtual Tamagotchi pet alive… You name it, it’s there!
1) Your drank from Kwenchy cups
Feeling thirsty? Grab a 10p Kwenchy Cup and enjoy the sharp taste of badly diluted juice. Beware of major spillages when piercing the straw through the uber thin plastic lid.
2) You remember the yo-yo craze
These so simple and yet so fun devices dominated the playground for weeks – providing endless hours of entertainment. Some were just a bit of string attached to a piece of plastic, others came with flashing lights and all sorts of noises.
3) You have experience in raising Furbees
If you didn’t raise a Furbee in the 90s, then you cannot dub yourself a 90s child.
4) You spent playtime playing Snake on your Nokia 3310
When they say everyone spends too much time on their phone these days, they’ve clearly forgotten how addictive Snake on the old school phones were.
5) You cried when your tamagotchi died
You turned in homework late, lost hours of sleep, revolved absolutely everything around the needs of this electronic creature only for it to rather selfishly die.
6) You played with these
We can’t even remember what these were called, but no trip to the park, beach or friend’s garden was complete without them.
7) Abe’s Odeysee on the PS1 was your favourite pastime
In fact, the PS1 in general was a a legitimate pastime. Pandemonium, Crash Bandicoot, Grand Turismo, Paperboy and Pacman are all vivid memories.
8) You wore Kappa Poppers
Milan and Paris claim to be the king and queen of fashion but let’s be honest – there is nothing more stylish than a 90s kid in a pair of poppers.
9) You had a troll or two
10) Your first business venture came in the trading of pogs
Before the days of trading pokemon cards (very late 90s, really took off in our playgrounds in 2000), 90s kids traded pogs. The trading of pogs and slammers was a crucial daily playground occurrence as you swapped your beautiful designed pog with your friends.
11) Sonic the Hedgehog was another legit pastime
Sonic – the spikey character who made hedgehogs cool. We all had hours of fun joining this guy on adventures and taking him on races against his friends.
12) Ant, Cat and Dec were your only Saturday morning ‘chums’
Ant and Dec may still be found on your TV now but we all know they were at their best in the 90s, entertaining us all on a Saturday morning.
13) You had a favourite Power Ranger
“Go, go Power Rangers!” could be heard across the land as we all tuned in to watch our favourite action heroes.
14) You waited in suspense for the big collage on Art Attack
Any arty talent that kids from the 90s have stems from one man and one man only – Neil Buchanan. Neil hosted hit show Art Attack for years and would always impress with his finale – the big collage.
15) You got out of bed for Live and Kicking
The dynamic duo of Zoe Ball and Jamie Theakston provided us with hours and hours of entertainment. Their fine mix of laughs, music and competitions was enough to get any 90s kid out of bed at the weekend.
16) Beanie Babies were a step above your average cuddly toy
Who knew little soft stuffed toys could be so desirable and so collectable? Beanie Babies were not any old stuffed toy, they had a unique place in the hearts of 90s kids, who tried to collect as many beanies as possible.