In amongst the gale-swept landscape on the small island of Unst, a compact but colourful bus stop has gained worldwide fame.
Drawn to its heartwarming origins and quirky decor, thousands of visitors flock to Bobby’s Bus Shelter just off the A968 near Baltasound every year.
Rather than catching the bus, people travel from all over to pose with themed props, enjoy the in-shelter library or mark their name in the visitors book.
Even travelling motorcyclists have shunned their leather jackets for feather boas and tiaras to pose on a jubilee-themed throne.
It has become so beloved that the shelter has been featured in Lonely Planet, Rough Guides and has its own Trip Advisor page.
The structure is about to celebrate 30 years since it was saved from destruction by a local schoolboy.
However, in September last year, it nearly all came to a crashing halt following a car accident.
Thankfully, within a few weeks, the shelter was replaced and plans are in place to begin afresh with a new theme in 2025.
The story of Bobby’s Bus Shelter
Back in 1995, the Unst bus shelter near Baltasound was looking worse for wear.
The old structure’s roof was in danger of being blown off and hurting someone so the shelter was reported to the Shetland Islands Council and taken away.
However, two brothers who used it to shelter from the elements and store their bikes when they hopped on the bus to school were devastated.
One of them, seven-year-old Bobby Macaulay, expressed his disappointment to his parents. After being encouraged by his dad to write to The Shetland Times, Bobby sent a letter asking to replace the shelter.
Touched by his plea, the paper and residents called on the council to listen to Bobby’s request. A few weeks later, a new bus shelter was erected.
Named Bobby’s Bus Shelter in his honour, things went back to normal until strange items started appearing overnight…
Oversees visitors leaping to wrong conclusions in 2024
First, it was wicker furniture, then a hot snacks counter and microwave arrived before a set of curtains was put up.
Once it appeared more like a tiny room, one guest decided to place a visitor’s book inside for people to sign.
The first items were not put there by anyone in Bobby’s family but after the first ten years, Bobby’s mum, Jane Macaulay, and a small team of friends started turning the items into yearly themes.
Over the last 20 years, themes have included everything from Tall Ships to puffins, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee to Breast Cancer Awareness, a tribute to Nelson Mandela to space in a nod to the Unst spaceport.
Last year, the shelter was decorated in honour of 2024 being a Leap Year.
It was filled with froggy curtains, frog head masks and a mural painted by an artist friend.
But Jane, who does social support, is not convinced the theme translated well last year.
She said: “The whole side of the bus shelter was a female frog with long eyelashes holding up a diamond ring to a male frog who looked absolutely horrified because she was proposing to him.
“It turns out that a lot of cultures don’t have that same thing going on.
“My American, German and French friends had no idea what that meant, so they thought it was just all about frogs.
“I think it was lost on a lot of the overseas visitors.”
Odd items are still added ‘in the dead of night’
Alongside the bus shelter is a resident concrete puffin (or Tammie Norrie as they are known in Shetland).
Every summer, the black and white statue plays a key role during a scavenger hunt for Unst Fest which takes place in the island’s most unusual places.
Unlike other bus stops, the shelter has never suffered any vandalism.
Jane said: “Nothing ever goes missing, nothing ever gets damaged. There’s no vandalism. It’s the opposite.
“When people know what the theme is, they all put stuff in there in the dead at night. I don’t know where it comes from.
“[Last year] All sorts of little china frogs and froggy stuff appeared. And I love that because it’s a kind of anonymous support.”
Although sometimes a few items have been left by mistake ensuring Jane is ready for any sunny occasion.
“People leave beautiful sunglasses,” added Jane.
“I leave them for a day or two, and now I’ve got the most fantastic collection of beautiful sunglasses.”
Where is Bobby now?
Jane’s son Bobby is now working for the University of the Highlands and Islands.
Despite being 36 and no longer living on the island, he is still recognised for his hand in the shelter.
His mum said: “He’ll go to a conference or do a presentation, and then after somebody will say, ‘You’re from Unst aren’t you Bobby?’
“‘Is this your bus shelter?’
“I think now he has a love-hate relationship with it, because people ask for his autograph, and he just says, ‘What do you mean? It’s only a bus shelter.’
“He is probably amused and often gives a wry smile.”
Hopes that the small space helps local economy and tourism
After the original bus shelter was damaged in a car crash in September last year, many, including Jane and the small team, were left disappointed.
However, it was not long before a new shelter was ordered and put up after a push from a few locals.
Due to the winter weather filling the shelter with snow, wind and rain, a new theme will not be in place until around Easter.
The shelter has become a well-known tourist attraction on Unst and brings a sense of colour and quirkiness to the landscape.
When asked why she keeps going with it every year, Jane said: “The reason I am doing it is for the island.
“If it can have a positive effect on the economy of the island, and I know that sounds really boring, but if people want to come from far away, then they see that there’s really a lot to do here.
“They might think, ‘Oh, we could stay three nights instead of two’ and if it’s the shelter that piques their interest, so much the better.”
Then she laughed as she recalled seeing many people during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee theme pose on the throne clutching a fake corgi and handbag on her way home.
“It was just so funny,” she said.
“And when you see all these people having fun, that’s what it’s all about.
“People are themselves because it’s quirky.”