The Transocean Winner oil rig was on the rocks at Dalmore beach, near Carloway
Almost 1,500 people have backed a petition calling for the UK Government to reinstate the emergency tug on the west coast.
Western Isles SNP councillors Rae Mackenzie and Gordon Murray launched the campaign under a month ago, with calls for the return of a second Emergency Towing Vessel (ETV) having grown since the grounding of the Transocean Winner rig off the coast of Lewis.
Angus MacNeil, the MP for the Outer Hebrides, accepted the petition and will formally present to 10 Downing Street next Tuesday.
The MP said: “The UK Government must return the ETV to Stornoway – a tug is an insurance policy for an unusual, but possible event.
“I applaud all of the people who signed the petition. I am delighted to see the community get behind the many calls for the UK government to reinstate the Emergency Towing Vessel on the west coast of Scotland.”