RSPB Scotland’s site manager for Balranald Jamie Boyle with the children
School children on North Uist have been designing artwork to commemorate the golden anniversary of their local nature reserve.
Around 90 children and staff from North Uist’s new school, the Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath, took part in the 50th anniversary celebrations for RSPB Scotland’s Balranald nature reserve.
The school, which opened in August, brings together all the primary school children from across the island for the first time.
And the youngsters were given the task of painting their own individual wooden tile, which was then attached to a large mural board to create the final piece of group artwork.
Their finished work of art reflects the special wildlife and habitats found at Balranald, as well as the crofting system which creates the habitats.
RSPB Scotland’s site manager for Balranald Jamie Boyle said: “We had a really great time and the enthusiasm of the children, staff and volunteers was infectious.
“We have always seen Balranald as an integral part of the community so getting together with the next generation of the community makes a lot of sense.”
Island children celebrate nature reserve’s 50th anniversary