North-east drivers have voiced concerns about “accident waiting to happen” after changes to a A90 slip road.
The southbound slip road from Wellington Road onto the A90 has been temporarily modified whilst on-going AWPR works are carried out.
The new road layout came into operation this week and has sparked many community members to speak out, Ricky Skinner, from Portlethen commented:
“I’m not alone in thinking that this is an accident waiting to happen, it is even more dangerous in the dark hours.
“A presence of traffic Police in that area would help, especially in darkness; it’s not very well lit either.”
North Kincardine councillor Ian Mollison, also voiced his concerns and said:
“Because they are building a new fly-over they have had to move the slip road from Wellington Road onto the A90, southbound, but it doesn’t have a merge lane, as the previous one did.
“The sight lines are not good either, there are cones all over the place and at night they reflect light back. It makes it more difficult for drivers to see if there is a gap coming up and just adds to the stress.
“I’ve been told there have been some minor bumps and that people are worried that there will be a more serious accident.”
“I have not had a reply from my email to AWPR, but others have been told by AWPR that they will be monitoring the situation.
“That doesn’t quite fill me with confidence, because ‘monitor’ suggests that they are just waiting to see if people do actually have accidents.”
A spokesperson for Transport Scotland said:
“The changes at Charleston Junction meet all relevant road standard requirements. As with any changes to road layouts the design was agreed by a number of stakeholders, including Police Scotland and the local authority.
“The roads at Charleston are being closely monitored to ensure they operate as expected and any safety or operational improvements identified from this process will be implemented.
“It is not unusual for road users to take a while to become accustomed to new road layouts and we are therefore strongly encouraging road users to apply more caution than usual when driving through or nearby this section of the A90.”