Nominations for Home Delivery Awards are drawing to a close, and scores of hard-working youngsters have been put forward for the event.
Each and every delivery agent plays a vital role in making sure The Press & Journal arrives on your doorstep on time every day, and their efforts have clearly not gone unnoticed.
After a successful launch last year, these awards will once again recognise the dedication shown by youngsters in what, for many of them, will be their first job.
The 2017 winners will be revealed by our sponsor partner, Belmont Filmhouse, next month, but in the meantime, there have been plenty of inspiring tales.
It may be more than 30 years since Neil McGregor, 47, did a paper round, but he believes the experience taught him some vital lessons for the world of employment.
Now working as the business development manager for The Press & Journal’s Inverness office, he said he would never forget the early mornings when he started his round at the age of 13.
He added: “I remember waking up at 6am every day to do one of my four rounds.
“As with all walks of life, some days were better than others, but looking back, they were great times. Back in the day, you delivered your papers from Monday to Sunday, and got your wages at the end of the week and that was it.
“You then started again the next day and so it went on.
“You never really knew if your customers thought you were doing a good job.
“That’s why the Home Delivery Awards are fantastic – it lets the paperboys and girls know they are appreciated.
“No matter the weather, these guys get up every day and deliver the news, often to people who aren’t able to get around as much.
“A nomination goes a long way to boost their confidence, especially at a young age.
“My paper rounds taught me a lot; the self-discipline that I had to be at a certain place at a certain time and that I was representing a business, so my appearance was essential, and so was good service.”
Mr McGregor’s son, Cameron, has followed in his footsteps, and now has his own paper round in the Moray area.
He added: “I am really pleased he has taken it up and is learning the same lessons I did all these years later.”
Nominations should be submitted no later than April 8 and can be made by filling in the voting form opposite or at