Local media is the lifeblood of our democracy.
Across the country, journalists do invaluable work day in, day out. During elections, their work is more important than ever.
Reporters and broadcasters hold politicians of every party and persuasion to account – and the Press and Journal is no exception.
It is the bestselling regional paper in the UK because it is fair, balanced and impartial.
Without the P&J and newspapers like it, there would be no scrutiny of local decision making. There would be no voice for people with concerns about their area. Local people would not be kept informed.
Amid the rising swell of fake news and social media propagandists, often peddling myths about political reality, the work of professional, trustworthy journalists is essential.
I grew up with the P&J l in Elgin and have always enjoyed dealing with its team in both Holyrood and the north-east.
Its reporters have done fantastic work highlighting the failure of the SNP and the Tories to protect the North Sea oil and gas sector. It has tirelessly highlighted the Nationalists’ neglect of the north-east at the expense of jobs and services.
I have been delighted to support the Press and Journal’s campaigns, most recently to stop the centralisation of Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
On June 8, voters have the chance to elect a Labour government that will stand for the many and not the few.
With the Press and Journal, I know that message will be carried to tens of thousands of people every day in a balanced and professional way.