Crofters claim Stornoway Trust chairman Norman MacIver has a conflict of interest.
A new chairman has been selected on the Stornoway Trust, Scotland’s oldest community landlord.
Norman A Maciver from Back who takes up his third term as a trustee will head the body for the next three years.
Mr Maciver said that he was looking forward to what he believes could be a “very exciting” period for the trust.
He expressed “confidence the organisation is well equipped to move forward with the best interests of the community at heart.”
A row over Sunday golf boosted a recent election for the community to choose five new trustees for the body.
Some 22 hopefuls threw their hat into the ring in what was the most fiercely contested election in 40 years.
All five “traditionalist” candidates who topped the poll are in favour of maintaining the six day only rule for the Stornoway Golf Club which rents its course from the trust at a low price.
Murdo F Campbell, Norman A Maciver, Donald “Dickie” Macleod, Catriona Murray and Donald Nicholson were successful against a raft of seven-day opening rivals.
New chairman for Scotland’s oldest community landlord