A Moray nursing home received an adequate inspection report but staff were urged to supply residents with more drink options.
Abbeyvale care home in Elgin had an unannounced inspection at the end of October by the Care Inspectorate who found that most of the service offer there was adequate with only the staffing aspect being rated good.
One of the main areas of improvements highlighted by inspectors was that residents should be able to have a choice of what they would like to drink and water should always be available.
The published report on Abbeyvale stated that:Â “Residents were not always offered choices, for example, at lunch two types of juice were offered whilst at supper only one was given at a time with no choice.
“Water jugs were provided in bedrooms but were not offered at
“The health and social care standards state: I can drink fresh water at all times.”
Staffing levels and the robust recruitment procedure implemented by the care home was praised after inspectors spoke to both residents and workers and found evidence from rotas that the facility was never understaffed.
Workers reported that new and inexperienced staff members would be paired up with a more experienced person and staffing levels allowed them to assist with providing activities and to have time to sit and speak with residents.