The Scottish Government has made a raft of promises to island communities in exchange for a “yes” vote.
Under these, the government would:
Support to enable Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles to supply up to 5% of GB electricity demand by 2030 in a way that supports local communities.
Pursue a fairer transmission charging regime for islands renewables in line with moves towards a single integrated market for electricity at EU level.
Endeavour to set market support provisions at a level that enables the required island grid connections to be built.
Give communities a say on oil and gas industry upstream licensing and regulation, environmental issues and decommissioning activities.
A fairer share of European fisheries budgets to help the fishing and aqua-culture sectors and wider seafood processing industry.
Income from leasing and other legal agreements for cables, pipelines, aqua-culture, wave, wind and tidal devices, piers, local authority harbours and moorings in territorial waters would be devolved to the islands.
Consider cheap ferry fares schemes for Orkney and Shetland and examine the benefits of a introducing a fuel duty regulator mechanism to stabilise petrol and diesel prices for business and consumers
Work to improve mobile coverage and broadband provision on the islands and ensure a universal postal service is in place to suit local needs.
Take steps to address the high cost of parcel delivery in remote and rural areas, boost tourism, enshrine all pledges in an act of parliament and recognise the unique position of Scotland’s islands in a written constitution.