Earlier this year, The North Highland College UHI (NHC) was approached by construction industry employers in Sutherland and asked to deliver a new course at the College’s Construction workshops in the main campus, Thurso.
As a result, a new Employability Programme in Construction (EPIC) course will start in September.
Backed by local firms, the course will be the ideal platform to progress into a modern apprenticeship or further study, and once completed successful learners will have the skills to gain employment within the construction industry.
The course covers essential aspects of workshop practice and hand skills, practical skills and includes opportunities for students to complete Certificates of Work Readiness, Employability & Enterprise and from a 190 hour work placement developed in association with Skills Development Scotland.
Principal Donald MacBeath said: “I think the new EPIC course is a tremendous example of what can be achieved when a college and local employers come together to create new opportunities for skills development.
“ We hope that this initiative will help ensure a suitable supply of talent for the local construction sector moving forward.”
Contact: Admission at North Highland College UHI on 01847 889250 or visit www.northhighland.uhi.ac.uk.