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Nine reasons why Aberdeen isn’t Scotland’s ugliest city

King's College, Aberdeen
King's College, Aberdeen

Its buildings may not resemble a shimmering rainbow, but Aberdeen certainly isn’t short of a silverĀ spot or two.

Recently announced as a contender for the title ofĀ Scotland’s ugliest city, Europe’sĀ oil capital’s damp and dismal reputation doesn’t look as if it’s going to fade.

But there’s far more to the Granite CityĀ than meets the outsider’s eye.

With quaint streets tucked away in the West End and Footdee, and long standing buildings like the Music Hall, FootdeeĀ and of course Marischal College making for fantastic city photographs, there’s definitely been an oversight (or nineĀ according to this list) in the judging of this contest.

And so here they are.

1) Aberdeen Grammar School

aberdeen-grammar-school.jpgCaptured here in Autumn, Aberdeen Grammar School is one of the city’s best-known establishments.

The fact thatĀ the leaves from the tree on the right hand sideĀ of the gate fall before thoseĀ on the leftĀ make it even more unique.

2) Victoria Park

victoria-park-aberdeen-2.jpgLovely blossoms grow every spring in Aberdeen. It’s no wonder the city bagged top prize in Britain in Bloom for the 11th year running.

3) King’s College

kings-college-aberdeen.jpgThe landmark of Aberdeen University, King’s College is loved all year round.

With students lining its grasses during the warmĀ weather and spectacular views of snow and Christmas lights in the winter months, it clearlyĀ wasn’t noted during the judging.

4) Sunsets over the beach and surrounding areas

aberdeen-beach-2.jpgDo the other town’s in the contest have a Ferris wheel that looks like this during sunrise? Nope, didn’t think so.

5) Aberdeen Music Hall

aberdeen-music-hall.jpgWith traditional architecture and a range of amazing acts, the Music Hall is a key player in the Granite City’s culture.

6) Footdee

footdee.jpgIt’s a seaside village all of it’s own that attracts visitors from acrossĀ the country. Definitely another blunderĀ on the judges’ part.

7) Views of the River Dee

riverside-drive-aberdeen.jpgTaken from Riverside Drive, it’s the perfect placeĀ for a spot of dog walking and taking scenic snaps.

8) Albert Terrace

albert-terrace-aberdeen.jpgA quaint corner in the West End, Albert Terrace is a quiet spot with traditional lamp posts and cobbled paths. Most certainly worthy of a ‘beautiful street award’.

9) Marischal College

Marischal College
Marischal College

Marischal College is the second largest granite building in the world. Enough said.