Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance (SCAA) is nearing the end of its busiest ever year.
In 2021, helicopter crews based in Aberdeen and Perth responded to an ever-increasing number of serious accidents and illnesses.
The two helicopters stand ready 365 days a year, including Christmas, but rely entirely on donations to operate.
SCAA has produced a Christmas video to thank the public for their continued support during a difficult year and to encourage their ongoing giving.
Pilots and paramedics star in the festive video with messages of thanks and season’s greetings for their supporters.
They also share stories about the charity’s life-saving work and the vital role everyone plays in improving lives across Scotland.
Paramedic Rich Forte said: “It’s an honour to be part of SCAA’S frontline operation and support the people of Scotland when you need us the most. But we can’t save and improve lives without your help.
“The unstinting support of the public again this year has ensured SCAA kept flying through some of the most challenging times to face the charity as the coronavirus pandemic impacted on our fundraising ability.
“That’s why, as we prepare for Christmas on call, we want to send out a huge thank you and seasons greeting to everyone who has kept SCAA in their hearts this year.”
Donations to SCAA can be made here.