Grant Hood, 48, account manager at Scottish Enterprise gives an insight into his busy weekly schedule
My morning:
My day starts with a check of the overnight e-mails. Scottish Enterprise (SE) has recently invested in new technology so it’s now easy for account managers to access e-mails, view the news websites and our intranet remotely.
This morning, I’m meeting a company which has grown from £9million to £19million in revenues during its time in-portfolio and, through a change of ownership, is looking to accelerate this further. I know I’ll enjoy the usual blend of humorous banter and nitty-gritty business issues when I meet with members of the senior management team.
They exemplify the exceptionally high calibre of individuals an SE account manager interacts with, which makes this such a privileged role. It’s a real buzz when companies trust and value your input, effectively treating you as part of their extended management team.