Children from two Inverness primary schools yesterday celebrated the successful completion and official opening of their very own “super play park”.
Pupils from Cauldeen and Hilton primary schools, who helped plan and design the project to upgrade the play area at Esk Road in Hilton, are delighted that all of their hard work has finally paid off.
The main features of the play area are a cable ride, high nest swing, rope net pyramid, roundabout, small trampoline, clamber stack and teen shelter.
The pupils are giving a massive thanks to the Big Lottery Fund Scotland that provided a grant of £139,639 for the work from its Community Spaces programme and to local councillors who also provided funding from their ward discretionary budget. George Glass, head teacher at Cauldeen Primary School, said: “This is a great achievement for our pupils and it has definitely helped them gain a greater understanding of the world of work, what is needed to plan and deliver a project of this size and how to overcome the difficulties and hurdles that inevitably arise.
“It has truly been a lesson in life.”
Margaret Lisle, acting head teacher at Hilton Primary, said: “One of the most exciting things for the teachers has been to see how the children have responded positively to the many challenges they faced and it is great that they now have a fantastic facility to show for their efforts.”
The pupils are very grateful for all the help that they received from Alan Jones Associates who helped to manage the project, Brandon Landscaping Ltd and Sutcliffe Play (Scotland) Ltd which provided the play equipment.
The play park was opened by Councillor Alasdair Christie, the chairman of Highland Council’s adult and children’s services committee.
He said: “This is an excellent example of how young people have taken the lead to develop a play area fit for the 21st century that improves local amenities and benefits all local residents.”