Moray’s abandoned town centre shops could be transformed into new housing as part of a £4million regeneration fund.
The Scottish Government announced last week that the Town Centre Empty Homes Funds would be made available to convert derelict commercial premises to boost the supply affordable housing in urban and rural towns across the country.
Yesterday, members of Moray Council’s communities committee welcomed the proposals and agreed to apply for a grant from the fund when bidding opens.
Council officers are also investigating the potential of securing homes in town centres across the region.
Councillor Eric McGillivray, chairman of the committee, said: “We have to be grateful to the Scottish Government for the money being allocated to this.
“It’s a different way of tackling affordable housing and hopefully we will get some more housing out of it.”
Elgin City North councillor Patsy Gowans said: “It’s time we were doing something, we have an awful lot of empty shops and empty flats above the shops.”
She suggested that in cases where applicants are seeking both housing and help in starting new businesses, both the shops and flats above could be used.
Announcing the fund last week Housing Minister Margaret Burgess said: “Making sure everyone has access to affordable homes where they can feel safe and warm is a priority for the Scottish
Government. But it’s not just about building new homes, we need to make better use of our existing housing stock and properties.
“Empty shops and flats can be an eyesore in our communities, devaluing our properties and even encouraging anti-social behaviour.”