Studies suggest guidance is needed in schools to help children come to terms with
Bereavement counselling is being introduced in Moray schools to help pupils in times of tragedy.
Studies have shown that following a death in school, staff need guidance on how to help children come to terms with their loss.
Over the next year all eight secondary and 45 primary schools will appoint a bereavement co-ordinator who will receive training from qualified instructors at the Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland counselling service.
The co-ordinators will then provide in-school training for other staff.
A Moray Council spokesman said: “The aim is to develop and deliver appropriate training and guidance materials to all schools across Moray, in order to support children and young people suffering from the effects of bereavement or other significant loss or change.
“Training will be delivered to the first 16 schools next month, with co-ordinators at the other schools being trained by May next year.”
The initiative, which was set in motion by the local Cruse Moray team, is being funded by the Gordon and Ena Baxter Foundation and is the first of its kind to be provided to schools in the north of Scotland.
Bereavement counselling introduced for Moray pupils