Delays on A85 after two lorries crash By Laura Redpath May 19 2015, 9:37 am May 19 2015, 9:37 am Share Delays on A85 after two lorries crash Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link Copy Link The A85 at connel was partially blocked. Picture by Kevin McGlynn Part of the A85 is partially blocked following a crash between two lorries. Emergency services were called the road between Achaleven Road Connel during rush hour. The A85 at connel was partially blocked. Picture by Kevin McGlynn. A85 B845 Taynuilt – A828 Connel – Accident, All lanes restricted in both directions for up to 15… #TSIncident — Traffic Scotland (@trafficscotland) May 19, 2015 Motorists are being advised of delays in the area. More to follow.