A blueprint for future development of a famous north tourist attraction could take a significant step forward next week.
Councillors at the north planning committee will be asked to approve a masterplan drawn up by Natural Retreats, which outlines plans for redevelopment of John O’Groats.
The proposals will include a redesigned “end of the road” feature and improved paths, as well as a coach drop-off area and disabled parking.
A market square-style car park could be created with new buildings erected around it.
However, the proposals have prompted significant opposition from those in the area.
Four of the existing chalets will be removed to allow improved landscaping, while small business units will be also be built on one section of the site.
Highland Council received 61 representations, along with a petition of 201 signatures from the John O’Groats Knitwear shop.
Among the issues causing concern are the lost of car and coach parking, restricted access to the harbour and the impact on historic buildings.
In a report to the committee, planner Norman Brockie said: “John O’Groats is one of the principal tourist destinations in the north of Scotland but it remains a somewhat remote and under utilised site which offers limited visitor attraction.”
He has recommended that the plan was acceptable and should be approved by councillors.
If consent is given it will be subject to a range of conditions covering issues such as drainage, access and landscaping.
Detailed applications will be submitted in due course.
Ewan Kearney, of Natural Retreats, said: “It is important to note that this is an outline planning application which essentially sets out the zones and uses for the future John O’Groats masterplan.
“Subject to this being approved it will allow us to begin the process of generating further investment and attracting more businesses to establish themselves in the area which ultimately will attract more visitor numbers who will stay in the region for longer, benefiting everyone that lives in the local area.
“The outline planning application does not give us consent to start construction on any aspect.
“Again, subject to the application being approved we will need to undertake further detailed planning applications which will include consultation with the community on the proposals.
“Although we are leading the planning process we cannot deliver the masterplan without further partners including investors, businesses and the community.”