A Moray charity has secured almost £30,000 to launch a project aimed at bringing the area’s youngest and oldest residents together.
The Elgin Youth Development Group has used some of the money to employ a full-time inter-generational worker, and will invest the remainder in events and courses where children and pensioners will work together.
The organisation, which runs the Elgin Youth Cafe, will stage a launch event next Wednesday morning, where specific requests on how to best use the funds will be heard.
Fiona Birse, the cafe’s development manager, said: “We want to get an idea of what our local seniors want.
“We’ve already been offering computer courses, where our young volunteers help pensioners learn how to use the internet. And if we run cooking classes that could be of help to both young and old. Those with culinary experience can pass on tips to youngsters, and older people who have been widowed and have little experience in the kitchen can come along to learn too.
“This is a new avenue for us, and we’re eager to explore how our older people can best impart their knowledge.”
The group is also looking into gardening projects and sessions where retirees can help school pupils with their homework.
The £29,000 windfall has come from the Change group, a government body set up to look after the interests of Scotland’s older residents.
It was awarded as a result of the Elgin Youth Development Group’s previous efforts in bridging the age gap, with older volunteers working closely with youngsters.
Volunteer Carola Smith said helping out at the venue over the past decade has helped her keep up with the times.
She said: “I have seen children starting at Elgin Youth Cafe at age 12 and watched them grow and develop into young adults.
“My own grandchildren live a distance away, so being part of the youth cafe enables me to have contact with young people and keep up to date with what life is like for our next generation.”
Next Wednesday, from 10.30am to 12.30pm the cafe is hosting an open morning where taster sessions of its activities will be on offer and suggestions on how to use the money will be welcomed.
For more information contact the venue on 01343 548300.