Warnings have been issued after blue green algae was found in Caithness. Image: Supplied.
A health warning has been issued after a toxic algae was found in a in Shetland.
Shetland Isles Council’s environmental health department has said that blue-green algae has been found in the Loch of Clumlie in the South Mainland.
Notices will be posted in local shops and near the loch warning people to avoid contact with the algal scum.
The algae can be harmful, in some cases causing upset stomachs or skin problems, so people and their pets should avoid coming in contact with the water.
Blue-green algae forms a scum on the surface that tends to look like paint when it comes ashore.
It was blamed for the death of a pet dog in Clousta earlier this month.
Shetland Isles Council said that there was no adverse effect on water supplies, adding that the local health board had been informed.