From evening classes and daytime professional development courses to distance learning, NESCol has launched a comprehensive programme of part-time options for 2025.
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The programme is designed to support those looking to upskill and reskill with a view to career progression or change, as well as incorporating a number of leisure classes for those keen to pursue a passion for a subject or to sample new experiences in a fun and friendly environment.
Flexible to suit you
The part-time and distance learning programme is available to explore online and a new digital guide has been launched.
Classes are available at all campuses, including a tailored offer at Fraserburgh Campus to serve the town and surrounding area.
The package also incorporates English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses taking place over a 10-week period, with classes during the day or in the evening. These courses are available at intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced levels, and involve four hours of learning per week. They are perfect for individuals looking to enhance their English proficiency to progress in their careers, or for employers who wish to upskill their teams.
Career-focused courses include opportunities to build knowledge in business and management, care, computing and digital skills.
Joy Aiken, NESCol’s Community Learning Manager said: “The focus of our part-time and distance learning programme is on providing every individual with the opportunity to upskill, reskill or learn just for fun. From art to barbering, breadmaking to brickwork, conversational Italian to sewing, there’s something to suit everyone.
“The chance to learn in industry-standard facilities at our NESCol campuses, under the wing of specialists in their field, is something that always holds appeal and our advice is to book early to secure places.”
To ensure the part-time offer continues to meet the needs of the region, a survey has been launched to help shape future programmes. By completing a short survey, you can provide feedback on the types of courses you would like to see offered. All submitted responses will be entered into a prize draw and the survey will remain open until January 31.
Apply to NESCol today
Applications for full-time courses starting in August are also currently open. The new NESCol Prospectus has been launched this month and is available to pick up at all campuses.
NESCol is one of the largest providers of vocational education and training in Scotland, delivering to more than 20,000 full-time, part-time and distance learning students each year. The College operates from its main Aberdeen Altens, Aberdeen City and Fraserburgh campuses as well as the Scottish Maritime Academy in Peterhead.
For further information visit NESCol’s website.