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Derelict building blaze in Tillydrone treated as deliberate

Three fire appliances were sent to the scene on Wednesday afternoon.

Don Street.
The fire took place on Don Street. Image: Google Maps.

A blaze within a derelict property in Aberdeen is being treated as wilful as police and fire investigations continue.

Firefighters were called to Don Street in Tillydrone at about 5.46pm on Wednesday.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) sent three appliances to the scene.

Police also attended as investigators worked to identify the cause of the fire.

North-east fire being treated as wilful

Officers have now confirmed it is now being treated as a deliberate act – the latest in a string of fires to hit the city.

A major investigation is currently underway into a fire at Dyce Academy.

The school is closed to pupils and staff and will not reopen this week.

In a statement, a police spokesperson said: “Around 6.05pm on Wednesday, February 19, we were called to a report of a fire at a derelict shop on Don Street, Aberdeen.

“Enquiries are continuing and the fire is being treated as wilful.”

The former electronics shop has been vacant for some time.

Developers lodged plans in November 2023 to change the use of the property from a retail unit to a car wash and valet facility.

The plans were approved by councillors, but development has yet to take place.

Crews called to Don Street after derelict building fire

A SFRS spokesperson said: “We were called at 5.46pm after a report of a fire at a derelict building on Don Street in Aberdeen.

“We sent three appliances, two from central and one from North Anderson Drive.”

Crews left the scene around an hour later.
