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Dunbeg Boom Town plans include 433 new homes, a hotel and a drive-thru

Three planning applications lodged with Argyll and Bute Council for Dunbeg include student accommodation.

Student accommodation is included for Dunbeg plans lodged.
Plans submitted for a major expansion of Dunbeg includes student and elderly accommodation. Image: Link Group/ Argyll and Bute Council.

Link Group has submitted a major planning application to Argyll and Bute Council for 433 new homes, a drive-thru, and a hotel at Dunbeg.

If approved, the plans will deliver new homes for social rent, mid-market rentals, and students, as well as an elderly living centre and shared equity homes.

There will also be 133 homes for sale.

Dunbeg is two-and-a-half miles from Oban and has seen a huge rise in accommodation in recent years.

Link Group are working in partnership with Argyll and Bute Council and the Scottish Government to deliver the houses.

808 new homes since 2017 at Dunbeg

375 homes have already been built at Dunbeg since 2017.

When completed there will be a total of 808 homes in the village.

Many families who were unable to find housing in Oban have moved to the growing village.

The original village has 75 homes and is known locally as Boom Town, as it was built rapidly to accommodate workers in the early 1950s.

A planned roundabout will lead to the Dunbeg development

A hotel is planned for the Dunbeg Commercial Area, where space has been set aside for business units, a drive-thru, offices and food and drink outlets.

Retirement homes at the Dunbeg development
Plans have been submitted for retirement homes. Image: Link Group/ Argyll and Bute Council.

A roundabout already has consent, following long-standing calls from residents and councillors for improved access to ease traffic congestion.

The roundabout will be a second entrance into Dunbeg.

The distributor road will be an extension of Dunstaffnage Avenue.

A park-and-ride area will also be created, along with EV charging points.

The plans include open spaces, play areas, and pathways linking Dunbeg Primary School and the village.

300 affordable homes proposed

Previous application for a roundabout at Dunbeg.
It is proposed that a new roundabout or junction off the A85 Oban to Perth road will serve the Dunbeg development. Image: DC Thomson.

A detailed planning application for 300 affordable homes—comprising 148 social rent homes, 48 mid-market rent homes, 40 shared equity homes, and 33 homes in an elderly living centre—was submitted on December 9 and validated this week.

A decision is due by Monday, June 23.

The development will also include 31 student bed spaces in a block of houses designed to work in tandem with the University of the Highlands and Islands at the nearby Scottish Association for Marine Science building.

An elderly living or retirement accommodation will feature a common room for community use.

Part of the site has been reserved for future community facilities.

Dunbeg construction will generate ‘significant employment’

New homes will be developed at Dunbeg.
433 homes will be developed at Dunbeg. Image: Link Group/ Argyll and Bute Council. 27/02/2025

The Dunbeg to Ganavan cycle path will be rerouted to accommodate a pedestrian road crossing, to improve safety and accessibility.

A new route for the Oban to Dunbeg Parkrun is also being developed.

The construction of the scheme is expected to create “significant employment and training” opportunities.

Link Group commercial director Colin Culross said: “We are delighted to have submitted these exciting plans for the next stage of the ambitious Dunbeg Masterplan.

“Not only will this bring 433 new homes to meet diverse needs across the community, but it will also see substantial infrastructure improvements alongside commercial opportunities and enhanced employability.

“We look forward to working with our partners and engaging with the community as these exciting plans are brought to life.”

To read more about the applications:

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