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Police to be probed over arrest after knife suspect struck by cop car

Officers confirmed a taser was used in the incident.

Police tape blocks off Park Road as police car and officers stand at the scene.
Seaforth Road was sealed off by police after the disturbance. Image: Kenny Elrick/DC Thomson..

Police in Aberdeen will be investigated after a man who was arrested in the city was hit by a car.

A 27-year-old man was charged in connection with the disturbance that happened on Friday.

A police dog was injured in the incident and a knife was recovered from the scene.

The man was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for treatment and released into police custody.

He was subsequently charged under various offences, including the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act.

Police car and blue police tape block Park Road.
Police at the scene on Park Road yesterday. Image: Kenny Elrick/DC Thomson.

Police Dog (PD) Zeus, a six-year-old Belgian Malinois, was injured, taken to a vet and released following treatment.

As a result of the incident, Park Road was closed on Friday with it reopening on Saturday afternoon.

Man hit by police car

A video has since been circulated online showing a police car striking the man during the incident.

A police spokesman confirmed they will be investigated by the Police Investigation and Review Commissioner (PIRC).

He said: “A report on the circumstances of the incident has been sent to the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner.”

Trinity Cemetery.
A large police presence was at Trinity Cemetery near Pittodrie on Park Road. Image: Kenny Elrick/DC Thomson.

Yesterday police confirmed the man was arrested using “specialist tactics” to protect the public and officers from harm, with it today being confirmed a taser was used.

The spokesman said: “The taser was discharged during this incident.”
