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Elgin railway station car park to close for nearly two weeks: Here’s where you can park instead

The temporary closure includes the car park, the taxi rank and the pick-up/drop-off points

Moray Council is carrying out resurfacing works. Image: Jason Hedges/DC Thomson.
Moray Council is carrying out resurfacing works. Image: Jason Hedges/DC Thomson.

The Elgin railway station car park is closing for several days.

Starting from today, Elgin railway station car park will be closed due to resurfacing works.

The work, carried out by Moray Council, is scheduled to be completed on Wednesday, March 12.

The temporary closure includes the car park, the taxi rank and the pick-up/drop-off points. However, the main pavement to Station Road will remain accessible.

Elgin railway station busy with commuters. Image: Jason Hedges/DC Thomson.

In a post to social media yesterday, Scotrail said:Moray Council will be carrying out resurfacing works to the car park at Elgin station, beginning tomorrow, Monday, 3 March.

“The station car park, taxi rank & pick-up/drop off points will be unavailable during this time.

“Please note that the main pavement to Station Road will remain accessible.

“Work here is scheduled to be completed on Wednesday, 12 March.”

Where can I park instead?

Parking charges can be made either at pay and display machines located in the car parks or alternatively with an app, online or via the phone with PaybyPhone.

All pay and display car parks, with the exception of multi-storey car parks, are open 24/7.

  • Moray Street car park: Open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday. It is £3 to park for three to four hours between those times. There is 102 parking spaces.
  • Batchen Lane multi-storey car park: It is £2 per day to park at Batchen Lane from Monday to Saturday between 7am and 7pm, as well as Sunday from 9am to 6pm. There is 210 parking spaces.
  • Northfield Terrace car park: From Monday to Saturday, it is £5 to park at Northfield Terrace for over four hours between 8am and 6pm. There is 74 parking spaces.
  • St Giles multi-storey car park (levels one and two): The car park is open from Monday to Saturday from 7am to 7pm. On Sunday it is open from 9am to 6pm. It is £5 to park for over four hours.
Pay and display machine at Moray Street in Elgin.
Moray Street car park is the closest to the railway station. Image: Gordon Lennox/DC Thomson.

All pay and display car parks have free parking on Sunday.
