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A hot food kitchen for North Uist, ‘sleeping rooms’ in Stornoway and a new dining room for Tong School

The latest planning applications in the Western Isles Council area including Lewis, Harris, the Uists and Barra.

Planning Ahead Western Isles brings you all the latest applications.
Planning Ahead Western Isles brings you all the latest applications.

Welcome to Planning Ahead Western Isles – The Press and Journal’s monthly planning round-up of Outer Hebridean developments.

It looks at applications submitted to Western Isles Council during February.

And it joins our popular Oban and Fort William, Hebrides, North-east and Inverness series, which offer readers a selection of the most interesting local planning applications.

This month, there is an application for a new hot food takeaway in North Uist, a retrospective application for a caravan to form a holiday let in Barra and two caravan pods in Lochs.

At Tong, primary school children are in line for a new dining room and there’s a retrospective application to turn the mission hall into a one-bedroom house.

Holiday let in Barra

A retrospective application for a caravan at Tangasdale. Image: Google.

Donald MacLean of Barra is asking Western Isles Council for retrospective permission to site a caravan at 57 Tangasdale.

The application was lodged on February 6 and was given a reference number of 25/00028/PPD.

Mr MacLean plans to use the caravan as a dwelling and for occasional holiday letting.

He intends to place the caravan on the edge of his property and has included space for recycling and waste bins to serve the accommodation.

North Uist hot food takeaway

An application to establish a hot food takeaway in North Uist has been lodged with the council.

It was submitted on February 24 by Mairi MacIntosh at 1 Grenitote, North Uist.

The site at Malaclate, Sollas, North Uist, will become home to a 20ft shipping container that will serve as the hot food shop.

The container will replace a catering trailer, The Wee Cottage Kitchen, that is currently on the site.

High-security, anti-vandal windows and shutters will be fitted to the container, as will industrial extractor fans.

The existing cargo doors will be locked and boarded over and a high-security, anti-vandal door will be installed.

There will be two preparation areas—one with toastie machines—along with a serving area and a cash register.

PLanning applications for Uist Stornoway Tong. The Wee Kitchen in North uist.
The Wee Cottage Kitchen in North Uist. Image: Google Street View.

In papers lodged with the application, Ms MacIntosh writes: “Previously, the area of land was unused for several years.

Year-round use will boost business

“However, the land has been used by us since April 2021 and continues to be used for the same purpose as our previous planning application, which was successful in 2021.

“The proposed area is part of the South Lewis, Harris and North Uist National Scenic Area, which is popular with visitors to the island due to its diverse landscapes, including Machair land, which covers a large area of North Uist.

“The only change to our previous planning permission is to replace the current 15ft catering trailer with a 20ft x 8ft container with a black exterior, the same café-style use intended, and a concrete base underneath.

She adds: “We hope the container will be open year-round, possibly dropping down to weekends during the winter months, but this could change with demand.

“This would ensure a service to the community through all seasons and not solely in the summer months.

“This will also ensure our staff have employment through the winter months.”

Pods in Lochs

An application for two one-bedroom holiday pods has also been lodged with Western Isles Council.

The plan is being developed by Iain Jenn of Lemreway in Lochs and was submitted to the local authority on February 4.

Agents Total Design say the application is for the development of the area at 2 Lemreway.

Mr Jenn wants to create an access route, provide parking and turning space, install a private wastewater treatment facility, and site two pods for holiday let use.

The holiday pods are of a barrel design and will have a charcoal grey finish.

They will feature golden oak doors and windows, as well as Scandinavian redwood cladding.

Inside, there will be a shower room, a kitchen and a dining area with a bedroom and sofa area.

Tong School kitchen and dining room

PLanning applications for Uist Stornoway Tong.
Tong School. Image: Google.

Western Isles Council has itself made an application for a new kitchen and dining room at Tong School.

The application was lodged on February 18 for the installation of a modular building to provide improved school cooking and canteen facilities adjacent to the school.

The application was submitted by the chief education officer and the agent is Calum Mackenzie, who works in the council’s property and infrastructure department.

Plans show the council wants to build a 48-seat dining room and a large working kitchen, with boys’ and girls’ toilets, as well as an accessible toilet and lobby.

It is planned for the far side of the school, within the playground.

Sleeping rooms in Stornoway

PLanning applications for Uist Stornoway Tong.
Commercial building to turn into two sleeping rooms in Stornoway. Image: Google.

A non-dwelling property containing two sleeping rooms is planned for an unused building on Inaclete Road in Stornoway.

The two-bedroom unit will feature ensuite bathrooms, along with a shared kitchen and sitting room, if planning permission is approved.

In an application lodged with Western Isles Council, G&A Barnie Group of Rigs Road in Stornoway states that the application seeks to change the use of part of an existing industrial building into an ancillary, non-domestic residential unit.

The application was lodged on February 18 for the property at 39 Inaclete Road.

The agent responsible for drawing up the designs is Malcolm Crate of MJC Inspection and Design.

We help you keep on top of planning matters

Read more about each application:

Any party wishing to view the application file in full may do so at the offices of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar at Sandwick Road, Stornoway Isle of Lewis, HS1 2BW or Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula. HS7 5LA, ordinarily between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public and local holidays).

It is recommended that in advance of visiting an office to view an application that you make an appointment by sending an email to

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