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Lifeboat volunteers launch in early hours to assist large cargo vessel on Skye

The 260-foot vessel ran aground in the Breakish area.

Cargo hitting waves and rocks
The cargo vessel ran aground near Breakish in the early hours of Monday. Image: Kyle RNLI.

Lifeboat volunteers braved difficult weather conditions to assist the crew of a cargo ship off the Isle of Skye.

The 260-foot vessel ran aground at the stern in the Breakish area shortly after 2am on Monday.

Crew members onboard made a number of efforts to free themselves and contacted the coastguard for aid when they were unsuccessful.

Volunteers from Kyle of Lochalsh lifeboat station then launched Spirit of Fred Olsen at 2.25am.

Lifeboat and cargo ship
Lifeboat crews arrived at the scene in the early hours. Image: Kyle RNLI.

They made good speed across the water and arrived at the scene within 15 minutes to find the cargo vessel being pushed ashore by the wind and choppy seas.

After confirming nobody was injured, the lifeboat crew began a visual inspection of the hull to ensure there was no obvious damage or pollution.

The lifeboat from Portree was also called to assist due to the size of the vessel.

It arrived about an hour later and both crews stood by to provide safety cover.

Volunteers assist cargo crew on Skye

RNLI helmet in front of cargo ship in water
Volunteers stayed at the scene to provide safety cover. Image: Kyle RNLI.

The vessel managed to use her own thrusters and engine to take herself off the rocks as the tide rose.

By 4.15am, the cargo had made her way into deeper water and a safe place was found to anchor.

Daniel Elliot, helm for Kyle of Lochalsh RNLI, said: “When we arrived on scene, the vessel was aground by the stern and was being pushed further ashore by the sea and weather, with a risk of the vessel turning broadside.

“However, the crew managed to get themselves off the rocks and out into deeper water.

Cargo ship next to rocks
The vessel ran aground in the Breakish area. Image: Kyle RNLI.

“It was important that we stayed on scene to ensure that there was no unseen damage underneath the waterline that could pose a risk to the crew, or any pollution coming from the vessel which could pose a danger to the environment.”

The volunteer crews stayed on the scene until they could make sure the crew was no longer in danger.

Kyle lifeboat returned to the station before 6am while the Portree crew waited for a coastguard tug to arrive on the scene.
