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‘No cells or surveillance’: Police in South Uist quit station and move in with community group

The move from Lochboisdale Police Station to Daliburgh took place this week.

A new police station in South Uist won't have any cells or surveillance equipment - but will provide a base for officers. 
The new Daliburgh Police Station in South Uist. Image: Police Scotland.

The new police station in South Uist doesn’t have any cells and isn’t kitted out with surveillance equipment – but will provide a base for officers.

Lochboisdale Police Station moved into its new home at Daliburgh on Wednesday.

The three-mile move is not for detaining the accused or operating a police counter, but it will provide car-parking and a modern office for Police Scotland workers.

In a statement, the force said: “Lochboisdale police station is relocating from its current leased premise to a new location in Daliburgh, three miles away.

“This move will see local police co-locating as part of a community partnership with Stòras Uibhist.”

Nearest police front counter on Isle of Benbecula

The new address is Daliburgh police station, Office 2, Oifis Storas, Daliburgh, South Uist, HS8 5SS.

The nearest front counter remains on the island of Benbecula, over a causeway between the islands.

The statement continued: “The new location provides a smaller fit for purpose office in a relatively modern building with 24-hour access and allocated parking for officers.”

The proposal to move out of Lochboisdale police station was approved by the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) in August 2021.

Chief Inspector Ross McCartney said: “Relocating to a space managed by Stòras Uibhist is a positive step for local policing.

“Co-locating allows us to be present in a community owned space, reinforcing our commitment to being accessible.

“We’re looking forward to working with the people of South Uist from our new station in Daliburgh.”

A spokeswoman told The Press and Journal: “The lease for the former police station will be handed back to the private landlord in the coming months once the decommissioning process is complete.

“We are unable to confirm what will occupy the building next as this decision lies with the landlord.

“Daliburgh police station will serve as an operational base for officers in the area, providing essential facilities, but not including cells or a surveillance room.”

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