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Fraserburgh ice cream shop’s ‘scoop of support’ for Friends of ANCHOR

The idea came about from Carol Gresham, who's husband Steven is currently battling cancer.

Carol and Natasha Gresham were the first to try the flavour. Image: Supplied.
Carol and Natasha Gresham were the first to try the flavour. Image: Supplied.

A Fraserburgh ice cream shop has launched a new flavour to raise funds for the charity supporting a local man battling cancer.

Bicocchi’s is backing Friends of ANCHOR by creating a tasty yoghurt-based ice cream topped with forest fruit coulis.

Local man Steven Gresham is currently going through treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in the ANCHOR Unit at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

The 54-year-old engineer will be a part of Friends of ANCHOR’s iconic Brave fashion show in May.

Here, he and more than 20 other men going through cancer or haematology diagnosis will take to the catwalk at P&J Live.

Bicocchis ‘scoop of support’ flavour ice cream. Image: supplied.

Inspired by his own fundraising efforts, Steven’s wife Carol decided to get involved and help out in some way.

She approached her good friend and Bicocchis shop manager Brenda Gerrie to see if she could help.

Carol said: “After Steven was selected for Brave, I thought ‘right, I need to think of a way to raise money for Friends of ANCHOR’.

“I asked Brenda if she could help and asked them to make something red and different.”

Bicocchi’s announces new flavour to support Friends of ANCHOR

Bicocchi’s rose to the challenge, choosing the “reddest” ingredients they could find as a nod to Friends of ANCHOR’s colours.

The result? A yoghurt-based ice cream, rippled with a forest fruit coulis named Scoop of Support.

Brenda even popped around to the Gresham family home to let them be the first to try it.

Steven Gresham is one of the models for this year’s catwalk show. Image: Nicki Lyall Photography.

The family are no strangers to the shop, on College Bounds, with Steven’s two daughters stopping by once or twice a week.

Carol said: “It was very nice. We were very impressed.

“Steven was blown away, as he couldn’t believe Bicocchis had done this for him.”

Family’s fundraising efforts for Friends of ANCHOR

From every scoop sold, 40p will be donated to Friends of ANCHOR.

All 15 of Bicocchi’s staff members are also donating their tips for the month to the charity.

Already the ice cream is proving popular with the local community.

It will be available at the Fraserburgh branch until the opening night of Brave at P&J Live on May 8.

Just a month after Steven’s catwalk debut, Carol and daughter Natasha will be embarking of a walk of their own.

They will take on the Aberdeen Kiltwalk in a further fundraising boost for Friends of ANCHOR.

The pair will take on the Mighty Stride, alongside 140 other walkers already signed up for the charity.

Training is well underway and Carol plans to add a creative twist to the challenge by knitting a red hat as she ticks off the 18 miles from Banchory to Aberdeen.
