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Section of A96 closed all weekend due to roadworks north of Huntly

Drivers are facing a 30-mile diversion while the works are carried out near Cairnie.

Road closure on A96 near Cairnie
The A96 has been closed while roadworks are carried out near Cairnie. Image: Supplied.

Motorists are facing a 30-mile diversion while roadworks are carried out on the A96 this weekend.

The resurfacing works on the almost half a mile stretch of the Aberdeen to Inverness road started on Wednesday.

Temporary traffic lights and an overnight convoy system have been in place but a full closure of the road is required over the weekend.

Work is currently being carried out near Cairnie with motorists unable to access the trunk road between the Cairnie junction and south of the Windyraw junction.

The closure came into effect at 7.30pm on Friday with the road expected to reopen by 6.30am on Monday.

An update from Traffic Scotland states: “The A96 is currently closed in both directions at Newton Cottages, Cairnie to allow for essential weekend roadworks.

“Motorists are advised to follow the local signed diversion routes.”

Full weekend closure for roadworks on A96 at Cairnie

Traffic is reportedly building in the area and along the 30-mile diversion route.

Over the weekend, all traffic is being diverted via Dufftown and Craigellachie.

Map with red circle showing where roadworks are being carried out on the A96 north of Huntly
The map shows where the resurfacing works are taking place this weekend. Image: Amey.

An Amey spokesperson said: “Northbound traffic will turn left onto the A920 at Huntly, proceeding onto the A941 towards Dufftown at Dufftown traffic will turn right onto the B9014 and then left onto the B975 Castle Road before rejoining the A941 to Craigellachie.

“Traffic can then turn right onto the A95 and continue to Keith.

“Southbound traffic on the A96 will turn right onto the A95 at Keith, continuing to Craigellachie before proceeding onto the A941 through Dufftown, before turning right onto the A920 to re-join the A96 at Huntly.

“The resurfacing will benefit nearly 7,300 vehicles who use this route each day, creating a smoother ride for motorists and reducing the need for ongoing maintenance.”

The roadworks were originally scheduled to take place in June last year but were postponed due to the weather.

They will continue to take place into next week with all traffic management scheduled to be removed by 6.30am on Wednesday.

Temporary traffic lights will be back in place between 6.30am and 7.30pm on Monday followed by two nights of convoy working.
