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Peterhead McDonald’s BAN under-18s from store after 6pm unless with adult

The restaurant has been plagued by antisocial behaviour and threats made to staff

Peterhead MacDonald's ban
McDonalds drive thru, Buchan Way, Peterhead. Image: Darrell Benns/DC Thomson

McDonald’s in Peterhead has banned under-18s from entering the store after 6pm – unless accompanied by an adult – due to concerns over staff safety.

Senior staff at the fast food branch said they had been forced to take the step in the face of repeated bad behaviour by youngsters.

Locals have described disruptive antics, attacks on staff and groups of teenagers riding electric scooters near the restaurant.

Staff at the Invernettie Roundabout branch said they were drawing the line after ongoing incidents.

Peterhead McDonald’s under-18 ban

Peterhead McDonald’s has clarified that under-18s are still welcome—but they must be accompanied by an adult.

In a message posted on the Peterhead Live Facebook page, an assistant manager at the branch wrote: “Post on behalf of Peterhead McDonald’s.

McDonald’s, in Peterhead. Image: Darrell Benns/DC Thomson.

“Due to continued anti-social behaviour and threats made to members of our team, from 6pm onwards, under-18s will need to be accompanied by an adult to gain entry to the store.”

Comments on the post were disabled, but it has been shared 219 times, and more than 1,100 people have already had their say on the issue.

A McDonald’s spokesperson said: “At McDonald’s we have a zero-tolerance policy towards anti-social behaviour, and the safety and security of anyone visiting our restaurants remains our highest priority.

“This decision is a temporary measure and was not taken lightly.

“We are committed to working together with the police and other local businesses as we address the wider issue of anti-social behaviour in this area.”

Have you been affected by poor behaviour at McDonald’s? Do you agree with the ban?

In 2023 Fort William McDonalds made a similar move, banning young people from its store in the town, over unruly behaviour.

Our reporters are working to bring you the latest updates on this developing story.

Please check back later for more and follow The Press and Journal on Facebook and online for breaking news.
