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Oban domestic abuser weeps as he’s banned from seeing fiancee for a year

Ciaran Crainey was also jailed at Oban Sheriff Court after racking up four domestic offences and breaking bail conditions.

Ciaran Crainey Oban man banned from seeing fiancee for a year
Ciaran Crainey has been ordered not to see his fiancee for a year. Image: Facebook.

A serial domestic abuser wept in the dock as he was banned from seeing his fiancee for 12 months.

Ciaran Crainey, 28, appeared from custody at Oban Sheriff Court to face charges that he broke bail conditions not to see his partner or be at her address.

He also pled guilty to taking a key to his partner’s home on March 4 while on bail, which had prohibited him from going near her property.

Additionally, he also pled guilty to removing his clothing and challenging people to a fight in the Tartan Tavern pub on the same day.

He had previously pled guilty to using abusive language towards his partner while on bail on January 20 2025.

‘Betrayed the court’s trust’

The Tartan Tavern Oban
Tartan Tavern in Oban. Image: Googlemaps.

Procurator fiscal depute Raeesa Ahmed told the court: “The accused and complainer were in a relationship on January 20 2025 when, at 4.30pm, the accused returned home intoxicated and began to swear at the complainer.

“She told him she had had enough of his behaviour, packed his bags, and put them in a common close.

“A neighbour could hear the accused calling his partner names.

“She tried to call her father and was crying hysterically. She eventually got in touch with her father, who called the police.”

Crainey arrested

Officers entered the common close on another matter when the complainer opened her door, and they saw Crainey inside.

Knowing that he was under special bail conditions prohibiting him from being on the property, they arrested Crainey.

Ms Ahmed continued: “At 1pm on March 4, the complainer went to work and left her key under her doormat.

“Only a few people knew that she kept her key under the mat when she was not at home.

“When she returned, she could not find the key and was unable to get into her home.

“She went to her mother’s house and then learned that the accused was extremely intoxicated and was in the Tartan Tavern in Oban.

“As a result of other matters, the accused was arrested and taken to the police station.

“The complainer then attended the police station as she believed he had her house keys.

“Within the accused’s property, the keys were found.”

Crainey, of Miller Road, was cautioned and charged by officers.

A letter from the complainer was received by the court.

Oban man ordered to not see fiancee for a year

Defence agent Jane MacNiven said alcohol was the “main factor” in Crainey’s repeat offending.

She told the court: “Both individuals want this relationship to continue.

“He wishes to go home and wants to deal with his alcohol addiction. He is out of work and has time on his hands to address his issues.”

Sheriff Euan Cameron said it was “indisputable” that Crainey had breached the court’s order not to approach his partner or be at her home.

He said: “You betrayed the trust the court put in you.

“There are significant charges against you, and you are not dealing with your addiction problem.”

He stated there was “no alternative” to a short prison sentence.

Domestic abuser sobs in dock

Sheriff Cameron added that while there was resistance to a non-harassment order, he had a duty to protect Crainey’s partner, even if she did not want to be protected.

He said: “This is the fourth domestic abuse case against you.

“So I am making a non-harassment order for one year to give you time to get a grip of your alcohol problem.”

He continued: “In my opinion, you are unsuitable for rehabilitation.”

Crainey was heard sobbing in the dock.

He was sentenced to 238 days in prison, along with a one-year non-harassment order.

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