A team of volunteers have released a traumatic but touching video showing the seal rescue they describe as the hardest they have ever undertaken.
The SSPCA alerted the Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary, Shetland to a seal caught in a creel rope on Sunday morning.
Volunteers from the SSPCA and the wildlife sanctuary went out to help the seal but returned to shore when they realised they were going to need a bigger boat.
After finding a boat big enough and recruiting a team of helpers up to the challenge, the group went back out to try to save the seal.
After a dramatic struggle involving a diver in a wetsuit and a number of others on the boat, the group finally got the seal on board and were able to cut her free and save her life.
In a post on the wildlife sanctuary’s Facebook page, the volunteers explained: “It was a fully grown female grey seal, who was hugely stressed, terrified and panicking as we closed in on her. We too were terrified when we tried to cut the rope, as she was thrashing so much and trying to bite us – one bite with those teeth could have done a lot of harm.
“But we covered her head with a towel, which stopped her thrashing and eventually managed to cut the rope and set her free. What a fantastic feeling!”