Today marks a special day in film buff land as a beloved time travelling adventurer arrives back in the future…
October 21 2015 is the date that Marty McFly, protagonist in the Back To the Future trilogy, travels forward from 1985 to todays date in a time-machine made out of a Delorean.
Thirty years ago the Back to the Future movie franchise was unleashed on the world, at once capturing the imagination of a generation and holding it ever since.
The films have a great blend of nostalgia and comedy, which has been celebrated by fans on the approach to what fans are calling Back to the Future day.
Even Police Scotland got in on the top trending hashtag: #BTTF2015
This is Paul Mackie, 44, of Stonehaven, with his Delorean.<br />The Scots petrol-head has taken a 1981 silver DeLorean back to the future — after it lay rotting in a garage for decades.
It’s taken a while to get it looking this good
Self-acclaimed geek Barry Thackrey, 37, from Aberdeen has built his own replica hoverboard and a pair of drones designed to look exactly like the famous DeLorean from the films.<br />The film buff spent months perfecting the appearance of Marty’s hoverboard to give it an accurate holographic look from the films.
One of his drones
In flight
I need a hoverboard
The best thing is it took no time at all to make, after he had finished he just went back in time and the time machine was there with him… wait I got confused by the time paradox
Charlie Moore, from East Kilbride, Scotland, celebrates Back to the Future Day, October 21, 2015 (WED) the crucial date which Marty mcFly flies back to in the movie. Moore, a huge fan of the franchise is so obsessed he has watched it more than 200 times, collects rare memorabilia and goes to conventions.