A major multi-million pound expansion of Aberdeen’s newest shopping centre could look to the city’s proud nautical background for inspiration.
The planned £200million extension would make space for new shops space, a hotel and restaurants along with a large extension to the current car park.
After consultation with residents, a “maritime heritage” theme proved more popular than a “Granite City” design.
But mall managers Hammerson stressed no final decisions had yet been reached as their bid for planning permission in principle was lodged with the city council’s pre-application forum yesterday.
The centre opened in 2008 and has proved popular among the city’s shoppers.
Included in the proposals is a 300,000sq ft extension on the site of the current surface car park with a replacement multi-storey car park to be built.
It would add an extra 1,000-space multi-storey car park, a 120-bedroom hotel and room for 30 new retailers.
A hotel is also planned for the site with existing shopping space to be remodelled.
But concerns have already been raised on the extension including by the Castlehill and Pittodrie Community Council and bus firm Stagecoach.
Ryan Manson, general manager at Union Square said he was “encouraged” by the feedback.
He said: “‘We were delighted to welcome around 890 people to Union Square over the course of the public exhibitions last month. I would like to thank all those who attended and also those who importantly provided feedback.
“‘It is hugely encouraging to have received strong support for the principle of an expansion to Union Square, with a large proportion of people looking forward to seeing a greater range of shops and additional parking coming forward with the proposals.
“Of the two designs that were shown, it is also quite clear that the indicative Maritime Heritage concept grabbed the attention and support of the public. The new sketch shown presents an illustrative image of how the proposed expansion could look.”
If the plans are approved, there would be an estimated 1,000 construction jobs and 1,000 retail jobs.
The developer hopes to start work on the extension by early 2017, with completion pencilled in for spring 2019 if planning permission is approved.