Residents have been invited to attend a meeting in Stornoway about goose management
A leading nature organisation is inviting residents in Lewis and Harris to attend an upcoming meeting to address local goose management.
Scottish Natural Heritage is supporting a local Scottish Government-backed scheme which aims to reduce the current population by about half by 2017.
The Lewis and Harris Greylag Goose Management group meeting takes place at the Coastguard Station in Stornoway at 7.30pm on December 17.
It will provide a progress update and allow the public to discuss plans for goose management after funding is finished.
The three-year pilot project, which uses volunteer hunters within the community, aims to reduce agricultural damage seen by crofters and farmers and maintain a sustainable geese population.
Shooting started in February and also took place in March and Autumn.
The trial is being supported by SNH and is guided by the National Goose Management Review Group (NGMRG).
For more information, or to help deliver the cull in as safe and as effective a manner possible, people should either attend the meeting or call Roddy MacMinn, of SNH, on 01851 705258.
Island residents invited to meeting on goose management