A warning has been issued after potentially dangerous algae was found in a loch in the Western Isles.
Samples taken from Loch Brannahuie near Stornoway have indicated the presence of blue-green algae.
Western Isles Council have warned that the bloom has the potential to discharge onto nearby Melbost Beach.
Dog walkers using the beach have been warned to make sure their pets do not come into contact with the algal scum in order to avoid illnes or transferring it elsewhere
Swallowing affected water or algal blooms can cause stomach upsets, skin problems or more serious health effects.
A spokesman for Western Isles Council said: “It is a sensible precaution for you, your children and your animals to avoid contact with the scum and the water close to it.
“For further information, contact the Environmental Health team of Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar on 01851 822 694.
“As a precautionary measure, notices have been posted next to the lochs warning that contact with the algal scum should be avoided.
“Adjoining landowners and fishing interests have been advised of the situation as have the consumer and environmental services section of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and NHS Western Isles.”
Blue-green algae exists in fresh water around the world.
It can appear like blue or green paint when it forms a scum on water.
A warning about Loch Brannahuie was issued last year.
It has been blamed for the death of lifestock and dogs but the actions currently being taken are precautionary.