Officers had warned councillors that the new network was "highly unlikely" to proceed without some residents being forced to sell up.
Aberdeen council chiefs have paved the way for work to progress on the Berryden corridor scheme.
Owners of certain properties may now be forced to sell their homes to make way for the multi-million pound traffic scheme.
Officers had warned councillors that the new network was “highly unlikely” to proceed without some residents being forced to sell up.
The £26.4million scheme is scheduled to finish in 2020, and will include extending or adding vehicle turning lanes at several junctions and potentially including a bus gate between Berryden Road and Great Northern Road.
But officers are also being urged to keep investigating the “voluntary acquisition” of properties which stand in the way by convincing the current owners to sell up.
The route has long been a traffic bottleneck with motorists struggling to make progress during the morning and evening rush hours.
Last month, at the council’s infrastructure committee, David Smith Contractors Ltd was awarded the contract to carry out the demolition work.
Owners living in Berryden corridor could be forced to sell homes to make way for multi-million pound traffic scheme