An initiative to increase support for mums and babies across the region has been launched by NHS Grampian.
The move, coinciding with the start of Scottish Breastfeeding Week between now and June 25, will signpost available support to new mothers in the region.
Around 60 volunteers with experience of breastfeeding are being used to provide help and support this week.
This can be as part of specialist support groups, and through peer discussion in Dr Grays’s in Elgin or Aberdeen Maternity Hospital.
Katie Rose, a peer supporter for the Garthdee Breastfeeding Group, said: “When I had my first child, I really benefited from breastfeeding support groups, so when the opportunity to become a peer supporter came up, I was really keen to enable other people to have that same positive experience.”
Local mum Anja Leman, who attends the Garthdee Group, said: “Katie is great and a real support, my baby has come on leaps and bounds since we started coming here.”
Recent research carried out with mums in Grampian found that many new mothers were unaware of the support available to them, and felt that they needed more help following the birth of their child.
Designed to complement the peer support scheme, NHS Grampian is providing a detailed guide highlighting the support available to breastfeeding mothers.
It can be obtained in leaflet form or online:
The scheme has been initiated by both NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Heath and Partnership in an effort to gain support from more businesses to allow breastfeeding on their premises.