Officers are working with local companies and the city council to improve road safety and hygiene on roads.
After concerns were raised about public safety, local companies within the Torry and Ferryhill areas have been contacted by North-east police to remind them of their responsibilities concerning parking, vehicle obstructions, forklift/commercial vehicle driving and waste disposal.
PC James Griffin of the Torry Community Policing Team explains: “Over the last six months we’ve had a number of people express concerns about public and road safety as well as environmental health due to the disposal of waste from local food suppliers.
“Working with Environmental Health and Waste and Recycling representatives from Aberdeen City Council we are looking to engage with local companies and remind them of their legal obligations in terms of road safety and environmental health.
“Letters have been delivered to all local companies and visits by Officers and council staff have taken place over the last two days.
“Anyone using public roads, be it for business or non-business purposes, must all adhere to the law. Parking on double yellow lines is prohibited, as is causing an obstruction and all drivers must drive with due care and attention whether they are driving a car, forklift or lorry.
“We are taking the opportunity to raise the concerns that have been expressed to us with local businesses and encourage them to review their policies and procedures to ensure they and their staff operate within the law.
“Police Scotland is committed to public safety and so where a business fails to act in accordance with the law, we will inevitably have to look at enforcement activity.”