Malcolm Wright, the board’s chief executive is stepping down
NHS Grampian’s chief executive has been sent in to bail out crisis-hit Tayside amid a series of financial scandals.
Senior figures at the neighbouring health board have been replaced after it was caught using donations from its endowment fund to top up its finances after running out of money.
The Scottish Government was this week forced to step in and use its ministerial “powers of intervention” to demand a change of leadership.
Last night Malcolm Wright was named as Tayside’s acting chief executive. His deputy will take over the day-to-day running of health facilities in the north-east in the meantime.
But politicians have warned that Grampian must not suffer as a result.
North East Labour MSP Lewis Macdonald said: “It is vital that saving Tayside is not at Grampian’s expense.”
NHS Grampian’s chief executive Malcolm Wright sent to bail out crisis-hit Tayside