A zebra crossing could be installed to combat speeding in a north-east village.
Newmachar residents have been calling for measures to encourage motorists to slow down on the 30mph Corseduick Road and Hillbrae Way for a number of years.
As far back as summer 2016, monitoring studies by the local authority revealed the average speed of drivers on both routes was in excess of 40mph.
A further study was due to take place last February, but was never carried out.
East Garioch councillor Martin Ford brought the issue back to the table earlier this year, in an effort to finally find a resolution.
Now officers have prepared a list of options for both roads, including installing a zebra crossing or narrowing carriageways.
Officers have suggested a crossing could be put in place at the Newmachar Scout and Guides Hall to slow oncoming traffic down.
However, a proper assessment would need to be carried out as other traffic calming measures would also be needed. A further study would carried out externally later this year.
Another proposal the report has put forward is the installation of a speed indicator device, commonly-used electronic signs which tell motorists how fast they are going and also record the number of passing vehicles.
If this is approved it would be put in place within the next two months.
Meanwhile, a similar device could also be installed on Corseduick Road.
An alternative proposal in the report would be for the road width to be reduced which would force cars to slow down and give way to oncoming traffic.
Mr Ford said he was pleased that a potential solution was now on the horizon.
He said: “I have been frustrated by the length of time it has taken to get firm proposals for traffic calming at these two locations hence my lodging of a member promoted issue last year.
“Whilst the report next week does not go so far as to finalise proposals, it will allow the area committee to discuss these different options, so this is progress.
“I do however, want to see action from the council as soon as possible.”